Basil is my favorite GREEN, Here’s why…
BASIL…It’s beauty, fragrance and simplicity is a big part of why I love basil so much. My life goal is to simplify and savor real beauty in life. With basil the truth is; the less it cooks, the better it is in flavor and in it’s nutrient value. Basil can help boost antioxidants in your meals, as it contains one of the highest levels of beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. All of these antioxidants, called carotenoids, help to fight off oxidative stress in our bodies and may protect against chronic disease. This all sounds great to me, but the biggest perk is that basil is simply delicious, and here at the DTC we have all sorts of dishes we incorporate fresh basil into for your dining enjoyment.

I can’t wait to grow basil every summer, which is why it is one of the first and most abundant herbs we are planting in the DTCulinary Garden. It is easy to maintain and we go through a lot of basil here at the Dancing Tomato Caffé. Here are a few of our favorites:
Pesto is great on just about everything in my opinion. We also love our basil limonata cocktail or the virgin version. Soon our caprese/tomato mozzarella will be bursting with summer flavors, and our Pasta Pomodoro takes on a whole California Summer FRESH spin. Fresh basil on top of pizza is amazing too.
At home we chop basil into our salads, soups, on top of fresh watermelon, peaches, strawberries. It is so refreshing and easy to add a whole new level to your recipes.
So plant a bit of basil in your garden, window sill, or planter. Enjoy one of the simplest pleasures of summer on your plate and feel the refreshing flavors of doing good for your health.
Eat well, be well.
Green Sharlene