Green Sharlene

Happy 2015!

Happy New Year

As I am setting my intentions for the year 2015, I plan to take more time to make new friends in our new community.  2014 was a year of big change, and a big move for our family. 

Where did the time go?

We are still settling in, and learning where our favorite places and services are in the Yuba Sutter area. I know a lot of folks through the business, but we haven’t made time yet to get to know folks outside of work much, and I hope that we find time to make that happen this year.

We are so grateful to be celebrating at the Dancing Tomato Caffé, “10 Years & Cooking”. It is an honor to cook for and to serve our wonderful guests, and we thank you for this opportunity.

I guess I really hope that time is on our side, and the years don’t keep flying by so quickly. A big part of our move was to slow things down a bit if we could, and simply enjoy and get to know each other.  Have a cup of coffee and chat.

Cheers to time, to enjoy being happy & healthy!

Green Sharlene