Green Sharlene


Green Sharlene shares ideas she has learned (still 'green' learning) about clean living & eating, supporting local, gardening, composting recycling & more!

Green Sharlene is a personality who shares her love of the things local and wonderful in our area. A self-proclaimed public figure, she is modeled after Shar, a wife, mommy and restauranteur, who has a passion finding ways to improve the way she conducts business and the household. Find the jo of taking care of the things around us, as we learn how to be better stewards of the land and our lives. We learn that little steps into a greener, cleaner life, can make a big difference in our own health, as well as that of our beautiful earth. Green Sharlene is learning how to 'green her thumbs', her diet/lifestyle, all while enjoying the delicious moments and friendships made along the way.

As well as being conscious of what comes into their restaurant, the Katz family is very aware of what goes out. They’re working with a local recycling company on a pilot program to turn organic waste and food scraps into compost for local farmers to replenish the lands, rather than adding to local landfills.“Green Sharlene”, as her husband calls her, explains. “A lot of waste goes out the door; we can be m ore responsible with our business practices by reducing waste and diverting recyclables and organic matter for compost. By being “greener”, we can actually save money (green) on waste hauling, while working toward state goals to reduce the amount of material going into our landfills. As a mother, it’s really just the right thing to do.


  • City of Davis Gold Level Partners for a greener Davis
  • 2012 Environmental Recognition Awards, Caffe Italia, City of Davis